Just some ranting and ravings of the life a semi-neurotic, somewhat controlling, self-proclaimed Queen Bee. But hey, at least I'm honest, right?

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

So New Goal

I feel like things are much more accomplishable when you have a goal you are working towards. So I have a goal! Go me! (Insert round of applause here). 

My goal: to blog about something every day for a year. Starting January 4th. 2011 and going until January 4th, 2012. I will post every day. 

I cannot promise they will all be good posts, but I can promise there will be something. 


Sunday, January 2, 2011


Ok, so it's been a couple days since I've posted, and boy has it been an eventful couple of a days. 

First and foremost, Happy New Year! It's finally 2011, and boy am I glad for it. I hated, with a passion, 2010, and now I can finally get my life moving with the New Year. It's another chance for us to get it right. Here's to getting it right in the New Year!

In other news, an old flame has recently come back into my life. If you had told me a couple of months ago that I would be "back" with this person, in any sense of the word "back", I would probably laugh in your face. It would have been the funniest thing I had ever heard in my life. I'd be biting my tongue now though, because I'd be so terribly, terribly wrong. We aren't together in a dating sense, we're just together when we feel like it. It is so weird, but at the same time exhilarating. I feel like I'm doing something wrong, like I'm breaking the Rules of Life. It makes me feel adventurous, and not like myself at all. At the same time, though, it scares me senseless. What if I start liking him again? Like for real? I can't even think about that happening, because it scares me too much. I guess we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. 

I also reconnected with an old friend this past week. We met for lunch one afternoon, and it was nothing less than incredibly awkward. We had a falling out back in September, and all through lunch no one acknowledged the fight. I don't know how she feels, but in order for me to fully move on, I needed some kind of closure. Instead, we just pretended like nothing had happened and talked about normal stuff. When I left though, I had an unsatisfactory feeling in the pit of my stomach. I don't think I'll talk to her again, to be honest. So it was more of a good-bye lunch, at least from my perspective. 

Only 14 more days until I am back "home" at school in the city. It can't come fast enough, by my book. 

Now I am signing off to devote my full attention to Pineapple Express, a great movie, if you ask me. 

"Let's roll man, I'm done with the woods. Let's get outta here..."